Association, Alliances & Partnerships

Entigrity has the following associations and alliances. These are formal agreements with other independent firms worldwide which allow us to provide seamless staffing solutions to our clients across the globe.

Entigrity and IMA collaborate to train and upskill 5,000 professionals in India

IMA and Entigrity, are proud to announce a collaboration for the betterment of skill development among accounting professionals in India. As part of the collaboration, Entigrity, a company providing offshore staffing to accounting firms in the US and Canada, will now encourage their existing staff in India to sign up for the CMA certification program.

BDO Partners with Entigrity to Help Member Accounting Firms

Entigrity has joined the BDO Alliance USA, a nationwide association of independently owned local and regional accounting, consulting, and service firms with similar client service goals. As an independent member of the BDO Alliance USA, Entigrity can expand the services offered to clients by drawing on the resources of BDO USA, LLP.

Gujarat Government signs MoU with Entigrity, commits upto INR 150 crore investment

Entigrity entered into a partnership with the Government of Gujarat. As part of the Government's IT/ITeS policy 2022-27, under this MOU, the company intends to generate an upwards of 3,000 employment opportunities across Gujarat and invest upto INR 150 crores in the coming 3 to 5 years.

Harper & Company CPAs Plus

Most people don't just want to do business. They want to build something. They help entrepreneurs make the transition from the hamster wheel to building a business. Their clients achieve greatness they didn't know how to tap into on their own. Harper & Company CPAs Plus is providing business advisory and consulting, tax preparation, and more.

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