Mike Goossen, CPA     Feb 01, 2021     6021

Offshore hiring for accounting firms is rising, especially post pandemic, and hence cyber security & privacy of client information becomes the most important consideration for firms.


Offshore hiring for accounting firms is rising, especially post-pandemic, and hence cybersecurity & privacy of client information becomes the most important consideration for firms.
As the pandemic forces people around the world to work from home for months on end, it’s become clear that many jobs we previously assumed had to be done on-site can in fact be done remotely.  However there are fundamental questions here,


Should you allow your offshore team to WFH like your onshore team?

Ofcourse, there would be benefits of no commuting, flexibility in working, etc. But you shouldn’t miss the other side of the story too.


Cons of Work from Home:

Ofcourse, on one hand, you might have some pros of Work From Home but look at the cons at the same time. 

So allowing WFH to an offshore staff shall never be done. Time and again it has been flagged that working with freelancers or WFH employees overseas can be risky.

Freelancers or WFH employees offshore have a reputation for being unprofessional. Freelancers or WFH employees offshore work thousands of miles away from the client, unsupervised from home, often with multiple clients, and on short-term low-budget projects. A client thus has very little control or authority over an offshore freelancer. Hence, a freelancer is unlikely to be held accountable for their conduct and quality of their work.

Clients who have worked with offshore freelancers often complain about missed deadlines, unavailability, poor quality, or incomplete work being returned to the client. These problems leave the client frustrated. There is no legally enforceable contract or any other measures that can protect intellectual property and data theft when working with a freelancer.


That’s why working with partners like Entigrity, where corporate governance and compliance is at the core of their culture and philosophy.

  • Today, Entigrity is a trusted partner of 550+ accounting firms globally with 8 years of track record of ‘Zero Security Breach’

  • There are strict IT & Privacy controls. (View Our IT Policy)

  • We run all background checks before hiring anyone. 

  • We even bind IPs so no one outside of the office can access any information.

  • The monthly audit is done by the Data Protection Officer and ISO auditor.

  • Sonic Firewall is used to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of confidential information.

  • And their series of measures taken for the protection of privacy and confidentiality.

  • We have a contractual agreement with you for protecting client information and in a similar offshore staff is bound by a similar confidentiality agreement.

At Entigrity we don’t allow WFH:

You cannot entrust anyone and everyone with your client's sensitive information. Never risk client information for flexibility of Work From Home especially offshore. Before you partner with anyone for offshore staffing please check their Work From Home policy and IT Policy. 

At Entigrity we don’t allow work from home. We can never risk client information at the cost of flexibility. We have strict NO WFH POLICY at ENTIGRITY.


Entigrity™ is a trusted offshore staffing partner to over 500+ accountants, CPAs and tax firms across the US and Canada. Our flexible and transparent hiring model gives helps firms of all sizes to hire staff for accounting, bookkeeping, tax preparation or any other task for 75% less cost. As a firm 'run by accountants, for the accountants', Entigrity captures the hiring needs of accounting firms most precisely, providing staff that works directly under your control and management, still, you are left with least to worry about compliance, payroll taxes, overheads or any other benefits.  


About The Author

Mike Goossen, CPA

Senior Vice President

Mike is a CPA and has over 30 years of experience in thought leadership and mentoring. His experience and constant efforts in solving prevalent issues of accounting industry is his biggest stand out point. He has been instrumental in mentoring scores of entrepreneurial accounting and finance professionals to get up on their feet and convert their practices into successful ones. He has authored a book called 'Principles of High Performance Leadership'

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