Outsourced Accounting: A Guide for Accounting Firms

Tushar Pansare     Sep 12, 2023     1743
Outsourced Accounting: A Guide for Accounting Firms

A guide for accounting firms to make the most of Accounting Outsourcing

Accounting and CPA firms in the U.S. are continuously looking for innovative strategies to boost efficiency, cut costs, and provide enhanced services to their clients. A strategy that really took off with IT and is now prevalent in the accounting industry is outsourced accounting solutions.

In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into the world of outsourced accounting for CPA firms, examining its benefits, challenges, and best practices.


Outsourcing accounting services, the practice of entrusting specific accounting tasks or processes to external service providers, has become a transformative approach for many CPA (Certified Public Accountant) firms. It enables them to streamline operations, tap into specialized expertise, and refocus on their core strengths. However, the decision to embrace accounting outsourcing solutions should be a well-informed one, weighing the advantages against potential challenges.

The Benefits of Accounting Outsourcing for CPA & Accounting Firms

1. Access to Specialized Expertise

Outsourced accounting solutions providers typically specialize in accounting services such as: bookkeeping, tax preparation, auditing and accounts payable/receivable (AP/AR). When CPA firms partner with accounting outsourcing experts, they gain access to a wealth of experience and knowledge. These professionals are well-versed in the latest industry regulations and best practices, ensuring that the accounting work is accurate and compliant.

Many outsourcing accounting firms also offer services beyond traditional accounting roles. Virtual Administration, Data Entry and Digital Marketing are just some of the services now being offered to optimize and enhance accounting firms.   

2. Focus on Core Services

Outsourcing routine accounting functions liberates CPA firms to allocate their in-house resources and skills to more value-added services. Instead of being bogged down by time-consuming tasks, such as data entry or reconciliation, CPA professionals can dedicate their expertise to strategic advisory, financial planning, and client consultation.

3. Scalability and Flexibility

One of the remarkable advantages of accounting outsourcing for CPA firms is the flexibility it offers. Firms can scale their outsourced accounting services up or down according to their needs. Whether it's handling a sudden surge in workload during tax season or streamlining operations during slower periods, outsourcing accounting work provides a cost-effective solution.

The beauty of accounting outsourcing is that it’s not just for work overflow. Yes it can be utilized for seasonal requirements however, most firms that start using it for that purpose realize its greater value.  

4. Substantial Cost Savings

One of the most compelling reasons for CPA firms to consider outsourced accounting services is the potential for significant cost reduction. By outsourcing routine accounting functions, firms can minimize the expenses associated with hiring, training, and maintaining in-house accounting teams. This translates to reduced overhead costs and a more streamlined budget.

Challenges of Accounting Outsourcing for CPA Firms

While the benefits are compelling, it's essential to recognize the potential challenges of accounting outsourcing for CPA firms:

1. Data Security Concerns

CPA firms deal with highly sensitive financial information. Entrusting this data to third-party providers raises legitimate concerns about data security and confidentiality. Therefore, it's crucial to select reputable outsourcing partners who prioritize robust security measures. 

Before contracting an outsourced accounting solutions partner, review their data security protocols and verify they are ISO, SOC certified, and GDPR compliant.

See how Entigrity ensures data security:

2. Communication and Coordination

Effective communication with an outsourced team can sometimes be challenging due to differences in time zones and potential language barriers. Clear communication protocols and regular updates are essential to mitigate these challenges.

3. Quality Control

Maintaining consistent quality standards across outsourced tasks can be a concern. Variations in work quality or discrepancies can harm the firm's reputation. Establishing a stringent quality control process and setting clear expectations can help address this issue.

4. Regulatory Compliance

Accounting regulations can vary significantly by region and jurisdiction. Ensuring that outsourced tasks comply with these regulations requires careful consideration and often ongoing monitoring and adjustment.


CPA firms hold diverse perspectives on outsourcing within the accounting industry. Some firms have wholeheartedly embraced outsourcing accounting services as a means to manage their accounting functions efficiently. Meanwhile, others hesitate to fully commit to outsourcing.

Then, there are those who view outsourcing through a negative lens, anticipating a plethora of challenges and pitfalls. It's crucial to examine these concerns and misconceptions surrounding outsourcing, and more importantly, dispel any myths associated with accounting outsourcing

Best Practices for Successful Accounting Outsourcing

To make the most of accounting outsourcing for CPA firms, consider these best practices:

  1. Choose the Right Partner: Select outsourcing providers with a strong track record in accounting and a reputation for security and compliance.
  2. Clearly Define Expectations: Establish clear expectations and guidelines for the outsourced work, including quality standards, reporting, and communication protocols.
  3. Regular Communication: Maintain open lines of communication with your outsourcing team. Use collaboration tools and schedule regular meetings to stay informed and address any concerns promptly.
  4. Data Security Measures: Implement robust data security measures, including non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and encryption, to safeguard sensitive client information.
  5. Continuous Monitoring: Regularly assess the quality of outsourced work and compliance with regulations. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed.

Outsourcing vs Offshoring

While it's commonly assumed that outsourcing and offshoring are interchangeable terms that signify the delegation of tasks to external parties, this oversimplification needs to be more accurate. It's correct that remote work is a shared characteristic in both approaches, but the realities of accounting outsourcing and offshore staffing diverge significantly, each embodying its own distinct business model.

To know which strategy is right for your firm you first need to analyze and understand your firm's requirements. Based on these results you will get clarity on which strategy will work best for your firm. 

Considerations for Choosing Accounting Outsourcing or Offshoring

  • Nature of Tasks: Evaluate the specific accounting tasks you need assistance with. If they are routine and standardized, outsourcing might be suitable. For more complex tasks requiring close collaboration, offshore staffing could be preferable.
  • Data Sensitivity: Consider the sensitivity of the data involved. Offshore staffing may provide better data security if you're dealing with highly confidential client information.
  • Resource Allocation: Assess your firm's current resources. It might be a viable option if you have the infrastructure to manage an offshore team. Otherwise, outsourcing can offer a seamless solution.
  • Budget: Your budgetary considerations will play a crucial role. Offshore accounting services might have higher initial costs, but it provides long-term value. Outsourcing, meanwhile, offers cost savings in the short term but there’s more to it than that.


Outsourced accounting offers a wealth of opportunities for CPA firms to optimize their operations, reduce costs, and provide enhanced services to clients. While there are challenges to consider, selecting the right outsourcing partner and implementing best practices can help CPA firms make the most of this transformative strategy. By embracing accounting outsourcing for CPA firms, these organizations can position themselves for greater efficiency and success in an ever-evolving industry.


About The Author

Tushar Pansare

Offshoring Strategic Advisor

Tushar is an Offshoring Strategic Advisor for Accounting Firms with 21 years of experience in Business Development, Customer Success, and Client servicing. He has a proven track record of managing key accounts. Tushar is an experienced professional with about 8 years of experience in the North American market with Healthcare IT and Accounting and offshoring industries. He has a team-handling ability and is proficient in leading project development and ensuring compliance with quality standards. He is a team player and a a leader with exemplary analytical and problem-solving skills.

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