Integrating Onshore & Offshore staff and Build One Team

Leena Parikh, CA     Feb 11, 2022     1302
Integrating Onshore & Offshore staff and Build One Team

How important is integrating Onshore & Offshore staff for an Accounting firm’s success in 2022? Very.    

63% of accounting firm owners say Integration is an important part of a firm’s success. And offshore accounting is quickly becoming another way for firms to succeed. In fact, in a 2021 survey, we found that 23% of the accounting firms are exploring offshore accounting.

If you are looking for new and innovative ways to integrate your offshore and onshore teams, adapting these strategies might be the solution you need to grow your accounting firm.
Join us on Wednesday, February 23rd at 1 pm EST for a FREE Mastermind on Integrating Offshore and Onshore Team!


Why Integrating Offshore and Onshore Teams is Important?

To help your local team concentrate more on strategic projects, you've hired fantastically talented and well-educated English-speaking staff as your offshore team. 

It's time to get the offshore and local teams together on the same page to invest in the firm's vision and work for one objective that's the firm's success. 

Note that failing to properly onboard and incorporate the offshore team into the firm and integrate the current local team would result in communication breakdowns and massive inefficiencies. Local employees should be on board for this plan to succeed, as they will begin to question what offshoring means for their own jobs. In this Mastermind, we'll talk about how to Integrate your onshore and offshore staff and build one team. Make no mistake-these actionable recommendations are even more important when dealing with the offshore resource. How Integrating offshore and onshore teams help grow your accounting firm Attend our mastermind to find out!

Who Will Benefit from Attending the Mastermind?
This Online Continuing Education Mastermind is recommended for 

  • Accounting Firm Owners 
  • Accounting Firm
  • Accountant
  • Bookkeepers & Tax Preparers 
  • CPA (Industry) 
  • Certified Public Accountant
  • Accounting Practice Owners
  • CPA - Mid Size Firm 
  • CPA - Small Firm 
  • Senior Accountant Staff of Accounting Firm 
  • Tax Firm 
  • Tax Preparer 
  • Tax Professionals 
  • CMAs, 
  • Executive directors, 
  • Development professionals, 
  • Board members who want to explore Offshore Accounting.


What You’ll Learn in This Mastermind

  • To analyze challenges of integration of the Onshore team and the Offshore team.
  • To analyze creative ways for smooth integration of the Onshore team and the Offshore team.
  • To explain the Buddy system.
  • To discuss the benefits of the Buddy system.
  • To analyze what is an Onshore Anchor.
  • To discuss the significance of Overlap.

By following the tips you will learn in this Mastermind, you’ll be in a prime position to grow your accounting firm, integrate the onshore and offshore teams. We look forward to seeing you on February 23rd!

About The Author

Leena Parikh, CA

Director, Training

Aim to empower team with knowledge - Training & Development

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