Offshoring for CPA and Accounting Firms is not just about cost savings

Jacob Scott, CPA     Jul 18, 2023     1897
Offshoring for CPA and Accounting Firms is not just about cost savings

Cost savings is not the sole focus of outsourcing and offshoring for CPA Accounting Tax Firms

Offshoring or outsourcing for CPA, accounting, and tax firms provides more than just cost savings. Firstly, it allows firms to enhance their focus on core competencies. By delegating non-core functions such as data entry or bookkeeping to external providers, local teams can concentrate on higher-value activities like financial analysis, strategic planning, and client advisory services. 

This shift in focus not only improves the quality of accounting services provided but also enhances client satisfaction. CPA firms can deliver more value to their clients by leveraging their expertise in areas that truly matter, ultimately strengthening client relationships and fostering long-term partnerships.

Another reason why accounting firms should consider offshore staffing solutions is access to specialized talent that may be scarce locally. By expanding their talent pool globally, firms can tap into professionals with specific skills and expertise. This opens up opportunities to handle complex projects, cater to niche industries, or adapt to emerging technologies. The diverse skill set offered by outsourced accounting services enable CPA firms to offer comprehensive solutions to their clients, positioning themselves as industry leaders and gaining a competitive edge.

In addition to cost savings, these benefits of contracting outsourcing accounting firms contribute to operational efficiency, improved service quality, scalability, and flexibility. CPA firms can optimize their operations, streamline workflows, and allocate resources effectively, resulting in increased productivity and reduced turnaround times.

The scalability and flexibility offered by offshore accounting services allow firms to adapt to changing market dynamics, meet client demands efficiently, and ensure timely service delivery. By leveraging specialized talent, CPA firms can provide expert guidance and solutions to clients across various industries and emerging sectors.


1. Enhanced Focus on Core Competencies:

The non-core accounting functions that are outsourced allow CPA firms to more strategically utilize their local employees more strategically, focusing their expertise on higher-value tasks that complement their core strengths. By relieving their local teams from tasks like data entry or bookkeeping, CPA firms can dedicate their time and resources to more complex and strategic areas such as financial analysis and strategic planning.

This increased focus on core competencies not only enhances the firm's service quality but also enables them to provide more comprehensive and specialized client advisory services. Ultimately, this shift in focus leads to greater client satisfaction as clients receive expert guidance and solutions tailored to their specific needs.

2. Access to Specialized Talent:

By outsourcing accounting services to a reputable partner, CPA firms gain access to a global talent pool, giving them the advantage of sourcing professionals with specialized skills and expertise that may be scarce locally. This expanded talent pool enables CPA firms to tackle complex projects that require specific knowledge or experience. It also allows them to cater to niche industries, providing tailored services to clients operating in specialized sectors.

Moreover, outsourced accounting services allow firms to stay at the forefront of emerging technologies by tapping into talent that possess the necessary expertise in those areas. By leveraging this diverse skill set, CPA firms can offer comprehensive solutions, position themselves as industry leaders, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

It's also important to note that offshore accounting staff are just as well trained as their onshore counterparts and in fact, many hold U.S. accounting designation such as EA (Enrolled Agent), CMA (Certified Management Accountant) and CPA (Certified Public Accountant). Though these designations are crucial, accountants should consider other essential skills, such as attention to detail and problem-solving, when building their perfect offshore accounting team.  This should give confidence to accounting firm owners that not only are they getting access to specialized talent but they are qualified as well.

3. Scalability and Flexibility:

Offshoring and outsourced accounting services provides CPA firms with a scalable workforce, allowing them to adjust their staffing levels rapidly in response to fluctuating demand or seasonal peaks. This flexibility eliminates the need for time-consuming recruitment processes, extensive training, or potential layoffs during periods of reduced workload.

By easily scaling up or down their workforce, CPA firms can efficiently adapt to changing market dynamics and client requirements, ensuring they have the right resources in place to deliver high-quality services in a timely manner. This scalability also helps optimize operational costs, as firms can align their workforce with the actual workload, avoiding unnecessary overhead expenses.

4. Improved Operational Efficiency:

Outsourcing and offshoring accounting services allows CPA firms to leverage the expertise and specialized processes of external providers, leading to streamlined workflows and improved operational efficiency. These external providers have extensive experience and knowledge in their respective areas, enabling them to execute tasks efficiently and with a high level of accuracy. By adopting standardized procedures and leveraging best practices, CPA firms can ensure consistency and quality in their operations.

Offshore accounting services facilitate optimal resource allocation, as tasks can be assigned to the most suitable providers, freeing up internal resources for more strategic activities. The result is increased productivity, reduced turnaround times, and cost-effective operations, ultimately contributing to maximizing your CPA firm’s profitability with offshore staffing solutions.

5. Geographic Expansion and 24/7 Coverage:

Outsourced accounting services leverage technology and communication advancements to enable CPA firms to establish a global presence and provide round-the-clock services to clients. By strategically utilizing the time zone differences, firms can ensure uninterrupted operations by seamlessly transferring work to their offshore team during non-business hours.

This extended availability allows CPA firms to offer timely deliverables and support to clients across different time zones, giving them a competitive edge. Furthermore, the ability to provide services around the clock attracts clients with diverse needs or global operations who require immediate assistance or real-time collaboration. This global reach and availability, positions CPA firms that are utilizing accounting offshoring services as reliable and responsive partners in the global marketplace.

6. Risk Mitigation and Business Continuity:

Accounting staffing solutions serve as a risk mitigation strategy for CPA firms by establishing redundancy and backup systems. By working with an offshore accounting team, firms can ensure that critical functions can be seamlessly taken over in the event of emergencies or natural disasters. This redundancy reduces the risk of disruptions to client services and ensures business continuity.

CPA firms can rely on their offshore team to maintain operations and continue serving clients during challenging times. By implementing such risk management measures, firms can safeguard their reputation, maintain client trust, and mitigate potential financial losses.


While cost savings are undoubtedly an important aspect of offshoring and outsourcing for CPA, accounting, and tax firms, it is essential to recognize that the benefits extend far beyond mere financial gains. Through accounting staffing solutions, firms can optimize their operations, access specialized talent, focus on core competencies, enhance scalability and flexibility, improve operational efficiency, expand geographically, and mitigate risks. By avoiding several mistakes when choosing an accounting offshoring partner, CPA firms can position themselves for long-term success in a rapidly evolving industry. This approach enables them to deliver exceptional services to their clients while remaining competitive and effectively leveraging the benefits of offshoring.


1. Can outsourcing or offshoring reduce costs?

Yes, outsourcing or offshoring can reduce costs by taking advantage of lower labor and operational costs in other countries like India. This allows companies to access skilled labor at a lower cost, resulting in cost savings. Additionally, outsourcing can eliminate the need for infrastructure and equipment investments, further reducing expenses.

2. When to outsource or offshore accounting?

When it comes to hiring offshore staff for your US accounting firm, it has been identified that summer is the ideal time to gain priority access to qualified professionals. However, it is imperative to exercise caution and avoid certain mistakes during the selection process to ensure a successful partnership with an accounting offshoring partner.

3. 10 Common Myths of Outsourcing for Accounting & CPA Firms.

Outsourcing and offshoring in the accounting industry are often misunderstood. In our recent blog, we clarified misconceptions regarding job loss, data security, quality control, and cultural differences. Discover how these strategies can actually drive growth and profitability for firms.


Entigrity™ is a trusted offshore staffing partner to 725+ accountants, CPAs, and tax firms across the US and Canada. Our flexible and transparent hiring model gives helps firms of all sizes to hire staff for accounting, bookkeeping, tax preparation, or any other task for 75% less cost. As a firm 'run by accountants, for the accountants,' Entigrity captures the hiring needs of accounting firms most precisely, providing staff that works directly under your control and management; still, you are left with the least to worry about compliance, payroll taxes, overheads or any other benefits. Let's have a quick call to explore a tailored solution that fits your requirements.

About The Author

Jacob Scott, CPA

Member, Advisory Board

Jacob Scott is a CPA with over 20 years of experience in the area of accounting & finance and has worked as a Senior Audit Associate at EY. Jacob drives the financial planning of the company by analyzing its performance and risks. He retains constant awareness of the company’s financial position and acts to prevent problems. He also sets up and oversees the company’s finance IT system as well as sets targets for and supervise all accounting and finance personnel (management accountants, internal auditors, etc.) Besides overseeing all audit and internal control operations, Jacob develops the corporate fundraising strategy and manage relationships with partners and investors. His roles also include preparing timely and detailed reports on financial performance on a quarterly and annual basis and conducting analysis to make forecasts and report to upper executives. He ensures adherence to financial laws and guidelines.  He has a keen interest in activities and societies, industry tours, educational seminars, cultural activities, sports, and most importantly attending conferences.

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