Having the right culture can determine success or failure in accounting offshoring.

Mike Goossen, CPA     Jan 18, 2023     1123
Having the right culture can determine success or failure in accounting offshoring.

Having the right culture can determine success or failure in accounting offshoring

Cultural diversity has grown more crucial in today's globalized society, where several cultures coexist since it helps to create an inclusive workplace atmosphere. Many firms have expanded and toughened up because of this openness. Organizations have become increasingly culturally diverse due to the rise in offshore teams and remote workers, giving them access to individuals from various backgrounds or around the world. Cultural difference is quickly rising to the top of the list of important business practices. 

A recent report from Economist Intelligence Unit shows that cultural dissimilarities and intercultural communication are challenges most organizations encounter when outsourcing work. There are several roadblocks associated with cross-continental or border collaboration. As we live in the era of globalization, where offshoring and outsourcing are something new, culture has been around for a long time.

Your experience will be better if you and your team decide which national cultures you will observe when outsourcing. There are many advantages to selecting an outsourcing partner from a place where the culture is very similar to your own. A strong foundation for a successful working relationship is language. Working in a nation where the contracted workers are proficient in your native tongue will help to reduce misunderstandings and false information.

In a recent interview with Inside Public Accounting, the CEO and founder of Entigrity Solutions said, "There's definitely a cultural gap; there's no denial there." "Indian accountants are taught about American history, culture, and commerce, which includes an introduction to the American dream, politics, insurance, common finance phrases, racial diversity, commonly followed sports, festivals and holidays, college education, and even an explanation as to why they may see dogs and cats in the background in video calls." Mr. Parikh further added. 

Having the right culture can determine success or failure in accounting offshoring

How Does Entigrity Make Offshore Outsourcing Successful by Understanding Cultural Differences?

Every firm and country have a unique cultural value regarding accountability, load balancing, engagement, feedback, time management, social and business etiquette, and other factors compared to others. They genuinely believe it is better to understand one's culture than to accept another.

Mutually beneficial engagement between the audience and outsourced services providers is essential to comprehending and addressing the cultural gap. Adopting and respecting one another's cultural standards and establishing a long-term commercial relationship are crucial for a successful business transaction.

1. Honest and Reliable Communication:

Seamless communication is one of the primary barriers when dealing with the offshore accounting industry. Offshore service providers must cater to the expectations of the clients and offer value-driven services to them. Our professionals, who serve 600+ accounting firms globally, deeply understand clients' behaviors from various geographic locations. We at Entigrity indulge in detailed discussions with our clients and get complete clarity about their needs. Our associates get into minute detailing during the initial stage so that all the parties included in the process are on the same page. 

2. Cultural Mindfulness in Conduct:

Accepting the cultural difference needs readiness for patience, intention, and hard work. By following these qualities, Entigrity is always on its toes to work with clients from all territories by understanding and adopting their regional culture throughout the accounting offshoring service. Cultural awareness of several areas helps recognize which aspects influence clients' needs, and we grow and deliver the best offshoring accounting services to them. 

3. Transforming Perspective towards Different Cultures

We are open to embracing the culture of our clients by transforming our outlook. Instead of adhering to our judgments and prejudices, we are open to adopting the mindset of other cultures, regions, and target audiences. Entigrity considers and respects clients' outlooks as we believe they are based on his target audience's psychological, geographical, and regional culture. 


When you have a fantastic offshoring accounting team, checking with them consistently for the first six months is magnificent. Like, they will realize they are an integral part of your business. When your offshore team develops and becomes more familiar with your business, you can lessen the number of visits you make in that country. You should constantly check in with your group regardless of whether you stop. Cultural difference is a test that can be survived if you do things effectively. Indeed, that begins when you treat your seaward group well, keep an eye on them, and visit them frequently. In no time, you'll have a developing accounting offshoring team.


Entigrity™ is a trusted offshore staffing partner to 600+ accountants, CPAs, and tax firms across the US and Canada. Our flexible and transparent hiring model gives helps firms of all sizes to hire staff for accounting, bookkeeping, tax preparation, or any other task for 75% less cost. As a firm 'run by accountants, for the accountants,' Entigrity captures the hiring needs of accounting firms most precisely, providing staff that works directly under your control and management; still, you are left with the least to worry about compliance, payroll taxes, overheads or any other benefits.

About The Author

Mike Goossen, CPA

Senior Vice President

Mike is a CPA and has over 30 years of experience in thought leadership and mentoring. His experience and constant efforts in solving prevalent issues of accounting industry is his biggest stand out point. He has been instrumental in mentoring scores of entrepreneurial accounting and finance professionals to get up on their feet and convert their practices into successful ones. He has authored a book called 'Principles of High Performance Leadership'

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